

No matter where you are in your career path, the services provided throughout the region can provide the most up-to-date resources and assistance in helping you begin or advance in your career path as a citizen, contributing to economic growth with sustainable living wages. Services available within the California Adult Education Program (CAEP) can provide guidance to help you take the necessary steps needed to find employment, stay employed, and grow within your industry sector.



The job market has changed drastically and will continue to evolve over time. Most traditional routes to finding employment no longer exist. If you are looking for help in obtaining the needed soft skills, training, education in industry requirements, and more, we can help. Unfortunately, unemployment statistics show many individuals have been unable to find employment for various reasons. To take a look at county unemployment rates, select your county of residence after clicking the provided link for detailed information. Unemployment Rate and Labor Force 


Investment is key to gaining the needed training, skills, and connections to enter or re-enter the workforce successfully. Through various partner agency conversations with employers within the Shasta, Tehama, and Trinity regions, employers have indicated in today’s job market; they look for individuals who have the needed skills to succeed in the workplace and global economy.

Soft skills are essential in retaining employment. If you are doubtful in your response to any of the following questions, workshops, and training can help you feel confident in the workplace.

  • Are you adaptable or flexible to change within the workplace?
  • Are you solution-oriented, or do you focus on the problem without an end goal in mind?
  • Are you able to collaborate with co-workers and be a team player to produce positive outcomes?
  • Can you effectively communicate with others?
  • Are you empathetic to various situations that can occur with diverse individuals within the workplace?
  • Can you show up to work on time?
  • Can you make decisions and use good judgement?
    Are you responsible for completing tasks?
  • Do you work well under pressure by maintaining a professional attitude?


For ESL classes and Citizenship preparation, check below for locations and give us a call!