Fully accessible accommodations for adults with disabilities are the key focus within the Shasta, Tehama, and Trinity regions within the California Adult Education Program (CAEP). The north state has several government and non-profit agencies that serve adults with disabilities and are working to create seamless transitions for adults with disabilities to decrease barriers and provide educational and employment pathways.
Visit the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) website for more resources at Get Started- CA Department of Rehabilitation
*If an individual has a disability but does not plan to go to Shasta College, Shasta College can give an accommodation recommendation ONLY.
GED Testing Accommodations
Students must submit a request for accommodations by emailing GED Testing Service at [email protected]
In the subject line of the email, include (Your Name/Request for Accommodation)
In the email, specify what type of accommodation is needed due to current disability.
Once the accommodation has been approved, the student will need to call 1800-466-0450 Option #3 to schedule the test at an approved location. A GED Testing agent will work to help find the closest site that provides accommodations. If the agent is unsure, the agent will ask for more information and call the student back within two days.